Curso Intensivo Portugués A2 Nivel Oficial Marco Común Europeo
Contenido Formativo
UNIT 1. DESCRIBING OURSELVESListening- Used to- Linking wordsReading- Comparative adjectives: superiority and inferiority- Comparative adjectives: equalitySpeaking: Semivowel soundsWriting: An essayVocabulary- Adjectives for personality- Adjectives for physical appearance- HobbiesUNIT 2. THE MEDIAListening- There was, there were- A few, a littleReading- A lot of, much, many- How much, how manySpeaking: The schwaWriting: A news reportVocabulary- Journalism and media- Verbs related to newsUNIT 3. ON HOLIDAYSListening- Be going to- Future simple: willReading- Prepositions of time- Adverb formationSpeaking: Voiced and voiceless consonantsWriting: A postcardVocabulary- Holiday places- Holiday objects- Verbs related to holidaysUNIT 4. WHERE DO YOU LIVE?Listening- Present continuous- Make vs. doReading- Something, anything, nothing- Someone, anyone, no oneSpeaking: Sh vs. SWriting: An invitationVocabulary- Parts of the house- HouseworkUNIT 5. LETS GO SHOPPINGListening- Past continuous- Interrogative pronouns (what vs. which: who vs. whom: whom vs. whose)Reading- Imperative affirmative- Make vs. letSpeaking: Sh vs. ChWriting: An emailVocabulary- Clothes- Expressions related to clothes- Types of shopsUNIT 6. AT THE DOCTORSListening- Must, mustn?t- Should, shouldntReading- Infinitive of purpose- Phrasal verbsSpeaking: The voiceless TH soundWriting: A blog postVocabulary- Parts of the body- Illnesses- Verbs related to health
El objetivo principal de este curso es que el alumno adquiera los conocimientos de la lengua necesarios para realizar correctamente un supuesto viaje a Portugal. Se explica de forma práctica cómo hacer las maletas, ir al aeropuerto, alojarse en un hotel, caminar por la ciudad, conocer gente e incluso ir al médico.
180 horas
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